It’s been a year and time has passed
Our work has changed, our lives have lasted
Us through thick and thin
As we’ve marched ahead to a new beginning
Of a team which had grown from one, then few
Then many, and now a crew
All here along the same journey
A team we are, a team we’ll be.
It’s been a year, not all’s been grand
Not all has worked out as was planned
New clients, new leaders, new assignments galore
Since when is it better when you have more
Accounts than you can deal with in a day’s clock
Which never seems to move backward, only forward: tick-tock
And yet we’re here, at year-end’s glee
A team we are, a team we’ll be.
But was it fun? Did we make a dent
In the flow of business? Was our time well spent?
Each one of us can answer this call
In the way we feel our contributions fall
In bringing new business. Making customers think
Differently about how our company links
To their success, and have them see
The team we are, the team we’ll be.
It’s been a year, and next one’s coming
With new surprises, probably more running
Around to keep pace
With all that clients need in their race
To stay ahead of and blend
Into the new ecosystems which will result in the end
Looking to us and our capability
To the team we are, to the team we’ll be
If you’re ready, let’s veer
Into the wonder that is next year
Unknown? for sure, Unkind? who knows
Let’s explore it together and reach the shores
Of the new year with an enthusiasm anew
And an understanding of priorities, which life gives us few
To choose among. Happy is he who chooses the wise
For himself and his family, and work has its rise
In this pyramid of needs too, as Maslow once noted
To plant wisely in its right place unfolded
Perhaps it’s time to wrap it up
This rhyming canter without a stop
I’ve let it run, no time to breathe
And yet the end is near, so please
Let me wish you, and your families too
From St. Nick and me to you
Happy Holidays and a good health plea
To the team we are and the team we’ll be
Copyright © 2018 by Norbert Sluzewski. All Rights Reserved.
Ted Relenger